About Us


Who We Are

Emchel Care Foundation is a non-governmental organization dedicated to empowering women and children. Our commitment to societal well-being fuels our mission for positive change, advocating for social justice, and fostering community resilience.

Our Vision: To envision a world where women and children are empowered, communities thrive in equality, and societal peace is a shared responsibility.

Our Mission: We dedicate ourselves to tailoring impactful programmes that empower women with essential skills, educate children for a brighter future, and advocate for justice and equality at the grassroots level.



Amplifying/Strengthening the Role of Women and Children in Engendering Societal Peace and Serenity.


To create communities where women, girls and the vulnerable are empowered and societal peace is a shared responsibility.

Core Value

The escalating rates of violence against women, girls and the vulnerable, particularly in the South East Nigeria demand urgent and comprehensive attention. The pervasiveness of insecurity is undeniable, impacting our homes, communities, and every aspect of our lives.

Ebonyi State is not immune to this crisis. According to the 2018 Nigeria Demographic Survey, it has a significantly higher rate of gender-based violence than the national average. The International Federation of Female Lawyers in Ebonyi State further emphasizes the seriousness of the issue, reporting daily calls from women and girls seeking help.

Furthermore, Ebonyi State bears the burden of having the highest out-of-school population in the Southeast, with a staggering 57% of children lacking access to education. This alarming statistics coincide with the observation that a large number of itinerant abacha/ugba vendors in major cities, particularly Lagos, are young Ebonyi girls who should be in schools or acquiring valuable skills. This situation exposes these girls to various forms of exploitation and social ills. Similarly, 70% of traffic hawkers are also from Ebonyi State. Additionally, 35.5% of Ebonyi children are reportedly engaged in child labor. These factors exacerbate the existing challenges threatening the state's development.

While commendable efforts have been made by the government (both past and present), NGOs, CSOs, and government agencies to address these issues, their success has been hampered by certain factors. A report by the Child Protection Network, an initiative of UNICEF, identified "community and family conspiracy" as a major obstacle.

Emchel Care Foundation, a non-governmental organization committed to empowering women and girls to contribute positively to society, seeks to involve families, clans, and communities as a whole in the fight against violence. This approach recognizes that sustainable solutions require participation from all stakeholders. Recognizing the crucial role of women in fostering peace and building ethical family structures, Emchel Care Foundation's flagship programme, "Egwu Onwa na Udi  Puru iche" (Tales by the Moonlight Renaissance), leverages both oral and visual storytelling to achieve the following:

Communicate family values and ethics: This programme aims to revive and strengthen traditional values that promote positive social behaviors within families and communities.

Re-awaken women's responsibility as character molders: By empowering women to recognize their role in shaping future generations, the program aims to foster nurturing and supportive family environments.

Expose factors hindering the development of women and girls: Bringing awareness to the detrimental effects of harmful practices on women and girls can pave the way for positive change.

Provide women with the right orientation: Equipping women with knowledge and resources empowers them to make informed decisions and advocate for their rights.

Encourage women to be virtuous and take good care of their families: By promoting positive role models and highlighting the importance of a strong family unit, the program aims to cultivate a safer and healthier society.

Emchel Care Foundation envisions a society where families thrive, women are empowered, and ethical values shape a safer and more prosperous community for everyone. We passionately invite allies and compassionate humanitarians like you to join forces with us in our mission to create a secure environment in Ebonyi State and beyond.




Who We Are!


  • To Mobilize, Orient, and Sensitize the people on core value systems that will help reduce societal ills and build a better society for all.
  • To sensitize, educate, and improve the knowledge of women and children on all forms of gender-based violence and human trafficking.
  • To increase the participation of women in peace-building processes and leadership positions through interface with stakeholders at the community level.
  • To improve the status of women and empower them to address their primary needs.
  • To provide a uniform platform of advocacy for resolving social injustice and eradicating inequalities at the grassroots level.
  • To advocate strongly for continuous education and vocational training for women and children; access to soft start-up capital for economic pursuits; even distribution of social amenities.
  • To inspire girls and women to be the best they can be and aim for excellence through capacity building and mentoring.
  • Support the development of social and emotional skills, including self-esteem, leadership, and assertiveness in our beneficiaries.
  • Provide information and capacity building on health, political, economic, and social issues through our various information dissemination platforms and spaces.
  • Advocate for and encourage Girl-Child education to relevant stakeholders.
  • Initiate and organize programmes and workshops that will help build and prepare them for challenges ahead through technological skills and information literacy among women and children.
  • Help amplify the voices of girls who are at the risk of child marriage or trafficking.

